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Model DS

Model DS Double Selector Valve - 40 GPM

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Standard Features:

  • Pressure Rating
  • Maximum Operating Pressure ........ 2500 psi
  • Flow Rating .....................................40 GPM
  • Filtration: For general purpose valves, fluid
  • cleanliness should meet the ISO 4406 19/17/14
  • level
  • Maximum Operating Temp................180°F
  • Weight .................................... Approx 9 Ibs

The PRINCE valve model DS is a manual 6-way 2 position double selector valve. This valve will divert the flow going to two separate hydraulic circuits. For example two double acting cylinders or two reversible hydraulic motors can be operated by one four-way valve. When the double selector spool is pushed in, the C and D ports (top ports) are connected to the A and E ports (right ports). When the selector spool is pulled out, the C and D ports are connected to the B and F ports (left ports). An optional series/parallel spool is also available. This spool will run two reversible hydraulic motors in series when the spool is out and in parallel when the spool is pushed in.

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