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Model RD1000

Model RD-1000S Sequence Valve - 30 GPM

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Standard Features:

  • Pressure Rating
  • Maximum Operating Pressure ........ 3000 psi
  • Flow Rating .....................................30 GPM
  • Filtration: For general purpose valves, fluid
  • cleanliness should meet the ISO 4406 19/17/14
  • level
  • Maximum Operating Temp................180°F
  • Weight .................................... Approx 7 Ibs

The PRINCE valve model RD-1000S is an internally piloted adjustable sequence valve. This valve will prevent the flow of oil from going to the sequence port until the pressure on the inlet port reaches the sequence pressure. The sequence pressure is adjustable within the range given in chart below. A built in check valve allows flow from sequence port to inlet. To operate properly the drain port must be connected to tank. This valve is a spool type sequence valve and will provide smooth operation but should not be used in applications that require low leakage.

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