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Model RD100

Model RD-100 Flow Control Valve - 30 GPM

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Standard Features:

  • Pressure Rating
  • Maximum Operating Pressure ........ 3000 psi
  • Flow Rating .....................................30 GPM
  • Filtration: For general purpose valves, fluid
  • cleanliness should meet the ISO 4406 19/17/14
  • level
  • Maximum Operating Temp................180°F
  • Weight .................................... Approx 8 Ibs

The PRINCE valve is a pressure compensated adjustable flow control valve. By rotating the handle, the flow out the “CF”, or controlled flow port, can be varied from approximately 0 to the maximum controlled flow shown in the chart below. Any remaining flow is bypassed to the “EF” or excess flow port. This flow can be used to power another circuit or can be returned to tank. Once the controlled flow is set it will remain nearly constant with variations in pressure on either the controlled or excess flow ports.

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