Use this tool to configure one of our products, by selecting the desired options it will generate a model number and list price.
At Prince Manufacturing Corporation we pride ourselves in our outstanding line of products. Our engineering expertise, state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment and strong employee work ethic contribute to the long-life and durability of our products. We have in-stock cylinders, valves, pumps and accessories for almost any application, and if we don't, we'll consult our highly trained engineers to custom design one today.
ISO 9001:2015 Prince Manufacturing Corporation's Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by Orion Registrar, Inc, as are each of our manufacturing facilities.
load it on your Apple or Android Device ad use to easily perform hydraulic calculations and configure pumps, valves and cylinders.
Prince offers a wide and diverse variety of standard and custom hydraulic cylinders which include the following
Prince offers standard hydraulic pumps which include the following
Prince offers a wide and diverse variety of standard hydraulic valves which include the following
Prince offers a wide variety accessories to complement our product line
Prince understands customers want choices so we have developed the Wolverine line of products to target a different segment of the market.